Most of you will be aware of nanowrimo the national novel writer month. But you might not be aware of NaBloPomo the same thing but for blogging. You just have to blog at least once a day for the month of November. I did it last year and will be doing it again this year. So expect many lame posts over the next month. Like nanowrimo the point isn't to worry about quality but just to get words on the screen.
Today I had plans. I have mentioned in the past that my dad has health problems. He is confined to a bed or a chair. The current house my parents live in is a quad level. That is a lot of stairs. My Dad is stuck in the main floor. His bed resides in the old living room. So my Mom has recently bought a rather nice ranch one story house. Only one major renovation is needed. The chair doesn't do well on carpet so the carpet needs to be torn up and then replaced with hardwood. The bedrooms actually already have hardwood floors under the carpet. So my plan for today was to head up their and tear up the carpets. My body had other plans.
I had been feeling like I had a minor cold for several days. I had a cough, sore throat, and a snotty nose. It wasn't enough to keep me from going to work but it was annoying. I woke up this morning feeling horrible. My sinuses were all stuffed up. I had a terrible headache, my throat was raw, and the cough was back with a vengeance. I quickly realized there was no way I would make the two hour drive and then spend all day doing manual labor. So I had to make the call and tell my Mom I wouldn't be there. Sorry mom.
I did manage a trip to CVS to get drugs of many kinds. Funny enough writing this blog post was interrupted by me and the cat taking a three hour nap together.