Rich, happy, and free

Earlier in the year I read a quote that has stayed with me since, "I am happy as long as I am healthy, and I am rich as long as I am not in debt."  Sadly I can't remember who I got this quote from to give them proper credit.   As I said, these words have stuck with me and been rattling around in my mushy noggin for months.

I am not healthy and I am in debt. The health thing is what it is, to sound like a professional athlete. I am currently under care for this biggest health problem I have.  Now that places some limitations on what I cad no in the form of exercise. One very important aspect of my health is totally within my control.  What I put into my body would frighten most people. If it the product hasn't been processed or extruded or purchased from a chain restaurant, I usually don't partake. I don't really like eating this way it's just the most convenient.  I often make resolutions to eat healthier. I say as I eat a bag of cheetos. They are baked though.

Because I am just trying to post things during NaBloPoMo I'll write about debt at another time.  Nothing like dragging out a blog post to fill a self assigned schedule.
