Blog in Review
I had written in an earlier post that there are two traditions on this blog. Posting the five things I am thankful for on Thanksgiving and posting Michael Bublé's Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas on Christmas day. I forgot the third tradition. Posting the five most read posts of the year. Without further ado in increasing order of uniques:
5.Music Monday: Gareth Emery feat. Bo Bruce - U
I really haven't figured why some things are popular and others not on my blog.
Slackers Guide to Life Year in Review
In my attempts at self improvement last year, I focused on finances and debt reduction. I gave myself a budget and staid within it for 11 months of the year. Most importantly I've managed to pay off half my debt. This is one of the first time in my life I stuck to something for a long period of time and had success. On one hand I feel really good about it on another hand I don't feel like I've accomplished anything. The giant pile of debt is half the size it was but it's still a pile of debt. I feel like as long as I have any debt I have not reached my goal, which I haven't. I am pretty happy were I am right now in my life and what things are moving toward. To many people who have known me for awhile my life looks pretty much the same as it has for the last ten years. But a lot things are working internally in my life.
What's in Store for Next Year
I am going to continue my quest for self-improvement using the tips I posted about yesterday. In the financial area I plan to continue to follow the habits I built last year. I am also going to look into bringing in some extra money. I have pretty much ebayed everything sell able in my place so I have to look elsewhere.On my wall I have placed the year long calendar shown above. Actually it's twelve months printed out from google calendar. I was inspired by the people over at I was going to buy one of theirs but decided to save money by printing my own. It's not as cool as theirs but it will do the trick.
I have mentally divided the year in quarters based on that calendar. With each three month period I plan to concentrate on one area my life I would like to improve. I am beginning the year with health and fitness. I'll keep you posted.. if I succeed. If I fail I'll remain silent :)
Here is looking forward to 2016 being filled with health, love, and peace.