Food Friday: Home Made Biscuits

This is a fairly simple and tasty recipe. One of the key parts involves getting your hands dirty so I like that. The amounts are what I use to make them for myself. They actually store pretty well. I wrap them in plastic wrap and put them in the fridge. About forty seconds in the microwave and they taste almost as good as new.


  • 1 Cup All Purpose Flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Some milk(about 1/2 a cup) 

Thoroughly mix the flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Now comes the fun part. You have to integrate the butter into the dry stuff. I use my hands. I cut little bits of the butter of and smursh the flour into it. I keep adding little bits of butter and mushing it in. I feel around in the flour and when I feel any buttery bits and just smush it together.

I now add the milk slowly while mixing it in. I don't actually measure out the milk. You want to eventually end up with a soft dough. It doesn't really matter what fat content milk you use. You can always use buttermilk.

I then put out some floured wax paper and knead the dough a little bit. Not more than a minute. You want to create a little ball of dough.
I use a rolling pin and roll the dough out to about a 1/2 in thick.  I cut out the biscuits using the measuring cup I used for the flour. I usually get about 4 biscuits out.. and some weird bit often left over.

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Put the biscuits on a baking sheet. It usually takes a little over 15 minutes for them to cook up.
