This momentous occasion almost passed by without notice. About 30 posts ago I looked at the count and saw that 500 was closing in. Then just the other day I looked at my blogger dashboard and saw
I was glad I caught it before it just went by as another Music Monday. I thought about making my half written and incoherent look back at 2017 as my 500th post, but I am not sure that will ever see the light of the internet.
As I said in my 400th post, I am pretty sure this is the longest I've kept up doing something in my life. Now I have done it for another 100. In fact, early this year will be the 5 year anniversary of this version of my blog. Unless you subtract the 6 month hiatus I took in 2014, but I don't know if you subtract those.
I am not going to announce any grand plans for the future of this blog. I just hope to keep writing.