
TWTW: June 6th through June 12th All I Got is a gif of a Cat scared by a Bear

Music Monday: Kele - First Impression

TWTW: May 30th to June 5th Never Trust a Nap

Music Monday: L'avalanche Marvin Juono

Campus when the students are gone

TWTW May 23rd through 29th: I decided to buy a Jeep

Music Monday: Etienne Daho - Week-end à Rome

How I got my Finances in Order part 5: Increasing income DEBT BELOW 10K!

TWTW May 16th through 22nd: Title 35 not found

Music Monday: Kosta Rodrigez - Aqua Verde (Cool Waves Mix)

How I Got My Finances in Order Part 4: How I Spent Less

TWTW May 9th through the 15th: Tiring good weekend.

Music Monday: M83 - Go! feat Mai Lan